Institutionalization of Service-Learning in Higher Education

of Service-Learning
in Higher Education

Various authors

This work aims to discover and highlight all the wealth within the perspectives of the different actors participating in the institutionalization processes of service-learning in Higher Education.

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Through the description of various global cases of service-learning institutio-nalization, the book presents reflections, actions and experiences that outline conceptual elements and key features, seeking to contribute to the great global debate on how and to which purpose processes allowing for the integration of service-learning into the identity and culture of Higher Education institutions are launched and developed.

We introduce this fourth volume of the Uniservitate collection with the firm intention of allowing readers to experience, through its pages, a journey across the different continents and cultures, exploring stories as diverse as the contexts and actors behind them, and to take on the challenges and dreams that we believe the book suggests, with a forward-loo-king approach, for those interested in a Higher Education that is more engaged with the world in which it unfolds its actions.

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Chapter 2

Service-Learning Institutionalization processes in higher education

Chapter 3

Taking a future look at the Service-Learning Institutionalization Self-Assessment Rubric

Chapter 4

The Newman Framework and the Processes of Institutionalization of Service-Learning

Chapter 5

As Learning becomes Service to Justice

Chapter 6

Living Identity and Mission through Service Learning

Chapter 7

Links in a chain: Institutional Integration of Service Learning

Chapter 8

The Leadership role of the President of the University in the Institutionalization processes

Chapter 9

The role of the University President in the Institutionalization processes

Chapter 10

Institutionalization of Service-Learning

Chapter 11

Towards Sustainable Institutionalization of Service-Learning

Chapter 12

Service-Learning as an Educational proposal at the University of Deusto

Chapter 13

Service Learning at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Chapter 14

Service Learning a Pathway for spirituality life in Tangaza University College, Nairobi, Kenya

Chapter 15

Institutionalizing Service-Learning in De La Salle University

Chapter 16

Service-Learning at Universities

Chapter 17

Other cases of Institutionalization

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